Great read, Ronnie. I had no clue about that.

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Thank you Ronnie. Now I have more museums to visit. Would love to see the gliders.

Also never really thought about why they were called floor boards and dash boards. Figured it was just a holdover from wagons but this makes more sense. Really Model A’s are wonderful evidenced by how many are still running and the number of enthusiasts.

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Alberta, MI is one of those places I drive by all the time but know little about and only see at roughly 60 mph. There is a lake across the highway with "Ford" written in their distinctive script at the little park. It makes more sense to me why it's there now.

So far as Henry Ford goes, was he one of the members of the Huron Mt Club? (I'm pretty sure he was) I don't know about the history of that place, but it is exclusive and they let NO ONE in their boundaries, which is a shame because I'd love to see Canyon Lake someday.

Ford Motor Company still owns land in Marquette County. It would not surprise me in the least to learn they own more land elsewhere.

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Amazing and I should go look at this .


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